


ごはん 牛乳 納豆 おおさかづけ




~Lunch Report By ALT~

Natto and Nikujaga day!  The natto was fine as usual, but I think the dashi that came with it was different.  It tasted slightly more salty or flavorful than usual. The daikon and cucumber salad was ok and nice after eating the natto to clear my mouth out.  The best bit of today’s lunch is the nikujaga of course.  It was great and packed with delicious flavor.  I didn’t taste much of the spiciness, but it was super good. The potatoes and noodles sucked up all the juicy flavors and exploded with deliciousness in my mouth.  Yum!



ごはん 牛乳 さばのみそ煮

五目ひじき どさんこ汁



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Fish, Dosanko soup, and hijiki today!  A nice Japanese menu on this rainy day.  The hijiki was quite good and a nice start to the meal.  I like the nice flavors and texture from the noodles and beans together with the seaweed.  The dosanko soup was excellent today.  The butter flavor was really delicious and there were a lot of carrots and bean sprouts.  It was nice to have with my rice while eating the fish.  The saba was meaty and satisfying with a nice sweetness from the miso.  It went perfectly with the rice.  Simple and classic school lunch today and one of the most delicious!



ごはん 牛乳 あげぎょうざ

キャベツの塩こぶ和え 生あげの中華いため



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Today is a Chinese-style menu.  The salt and sesame cabbage salad is super good.  So delicious and very healthy.  The flavors are so great.  Speaking of great flavors, the stir fry with fried tofu was excellent as well.  Super delicious and the textures of the tofu were quite enjoyable.  The secret star of the day is the fried gyoza.  I love them and today they were super good with nice flavor from the onions and nira.  I like garlic in my gyoza and this was pretty close.  Although today my gyoza wasn’t very crispy, it was still really good.  But the edges of the gyoza were still crispy though.  One of the best menus for strong flavor today and it didn’t disappoint at all!



秋野菜カレーライス 牛乳 こんにゃくサラダ




~Lunch Report By ALT~

Curry and Rice!  Classic school lunch menu and at a great time!  The seaweed salad doesn’t have my favorite texture, but I quite like it and the dressing is nice and refreshing.  The curry was great as always and had a nice spice level.  Super delicious and warm on this sunny windy day.  Also, there were yummy sweet potatoes in it as well which was a nice surprise and I even found some chestnut chunks as well which were super nice.  Fall curry!  Lastly some yummy grape jelly with iron!  It was delicious and sweet and refreshing.  Lovely finish to the meal today.



はちみつパン 牛乳 焼きそば

大根とツナのサラダ みかんゼリー



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Happy Friday and wonderful yaki soba to welcome the weekend! The tuna and veg salad was great. Nice and crunchy with a slightly sour dressing. The sweetness of the corn and umami of the tuna help to balance out the sour flavor giving it a well rounded finish. Today’s yakisoba was great as always and I was lucky and had plenty of meat in my portion today! The honey bread was delicious and good with milk and also the jelly too. Mikan and Honey bread was a nice touch at the end of the meal. Have a nice weekend!



ごはん 牛乳 カマスの西京焼き

切り干し大根の煮つけ のっぺい汁



~Lunch Report BY ALT~

Today is fish and shredded daikon.  The shredded daikon is ok!  It is pretty soggy, but the flavor is pretty good.  Today’s fish is kamasu.  We call kamasu barracuda in English.  Barracuda!  I don’t like it very much.  Everyone tells me that it is sweet and I think that is one reason why it doesn’t appeal to me.  My image of fish isn’t sweet and today my fish had a lot of bones in it too! Oh well!  The soup was kind of tonjiru style soup, but with a different name.  It was hot with a light flavor and I enjoyed it.  It also had satoimo which I don’t like either.  Kind of a bad luck day for me today with school lunch!  Still happy to get a nice lunch even though it had a few things I don’t like. Thank you!



コッペパン ラフランスジャム 牛乳

チキンのチーズ焼き ポパイソテー ポトフ



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Popeye Sautee and Baked chicken with Cheese!  What an amazing menu today!  Seriously recently kyuushoku has been nothing but super star level.  It is excellent.  I look forward to it every day so much!  The spinach sautee was great.  It has a nice sweet and buttery flavor almost with nice sweetness from the corn.  Baked chicken and bread day is the ideal day to make some yummy sandwiches.  They were delicious and there is a lot of cheese on them and the chicken is still quite juicy too.  A great combo.  The soup was simple, but good.  The hotdogs add a little variety to an otherwise regular veggie soup.  Today’s jam, however was far from ordinary.  It had a very light and nice flavor and a very velvety texture.  Super delicious and a nice sweet finish to the meal.



スタミナ丼 牛乳 えび団子スープ



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Stamina don and shrimp ball soup.  A great lunch.  I am so hungry today and this is the perfect meal for me today.  The stamina don was excellent and the juicy flavor of the soup/sauce that it is in really tastes great.  Packed full of meat and vegetables it is super hearty and satisfying.  Contrasting the strong flavors of the donburi is the wonderful shrimp ball soup.  The soup itself has a light flavor with yummy noodles, but the shimp balls are awesome and explode with shrimpy goodness.  Great lunch today!



ごはん 牛乳 ぶりフライ(ソース)

いそ香り和え すいとん汁



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Today is fried fish with suitonjiru soup.  The salad was delicious and juicy with some sesame flavor.  The natural flavors of the vegetables and spinach are great.  The grilled fish was delicious and perfectly fried.  Crispy and nice with lots of meaty goodness inside.  The soup in particular surprised me with the little mochi balls and that is when I realized what suiton was.  I had forgotten!  Very delicious and nice lunch today.



コッペパン マーシャルビンズ 牛乳

きのこスパゲッティ ハムチーズサラダ



~Lunch Report By ALT~

First day of October and a wonderful day for school lunch.  Marshall beans and pasta!  The salad was good and had a lot of dressing on it.  I liked the cheese in particular for giving it a creamier texture.  The ham and cheese are a great flavor combination as well.  The breadroll was perfect for cleaning up the plentiful dressing left over after finishing it.  Today’s pasta is an oil based spaghetti with meat and mushrooms in it.  It it quite delicious