


ポークカレーライス 牛乳

海藻サラダ ヨーグルト



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Curry and Rice!  A classic menu on a lovely day.  The kaisou salad was nice and had a delicious dressing.  It tasted a little bit like plum and I saw something pinkish red in my salad so I think it was umeboshi.  The pork curry was hot and delicious and had a fair spice level.  It was stewed to perfection and went perfect with rice.  Very enjoyable.  Finally the delicious yogurt was creamy sweet and great.  I love this yogurt so much and it’s a refreshing end to the meal.



ごはん 牛乳 にらまんじゅう

チンジャオロースー ポーミントン



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Today is a Chinese-style menu with jinjaros and niramanju.  The flavor of the jingaros is out of this world and goes perfectly with rice.  I could eat this forever.  Great texture with juiciness and crunch the whole time.  The ‘pominton’ soup is good and also a new menu item I think.  It is like a mixture of the cloudy soup and a corn soup and a very delicious mix.  I quite like it!  The nira manju was excellent as well with great flavor from the nira which pumped the meaty filling full of flavor.  A really good lunch today with a great variety of strong and delicious flavors.  Can’t beat it!



ホットドッグ 牛乳 チャンポンメン



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Hot dogs and chanpon noodles! The hot dogs are tasty and the cabbage is quite nice. I appreciate the delicious and soft buns. The noodles were super good and very filling. I enjoy the thick texture of the noodles and the delicious taste of the broth. I don’t like the squid very much, but overall the dish is very good. A nice lunch!



ごはん 牛乳 豚肉と野菜のしょうがいため




~Lunch Report By ALT~

Ginger pork today!  The ginger pork has great flavor and is filled with delicious vegetables and wonderful textures, not to mention that it goes perfect with rice.  The shrimp ball soup was nice and hot today for me.  The broth had a nice flavor and I could taste a lot of pepper today and it was good.  I love pepper.  The juicy noodles and ultra meaty and yummy shrimp balls make it almost as hearty as today’s main dish.  A delicious lunch!



ミルクパン りんごジャム 牛乳

照り焼きチキン ポパイソテー ポークビーンズ



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Popeye sautee and teriyaki chicken with pork and beans too.  A nice menu.  The popeye salad, named after the popular character is loaded with boiled spinach with some bits of corn and meat as well.  It is quite nice and has a lightly smokey flavor.  Maybe it was because the chicken and salad got a little mixed up?  I like to use the bread to make a chicken sandwich and some for my apple jelly so I split it in half.  The teriyaki chicken sandwich was amazing and the flavors on the chicken were very good.  It pairs perfectly with the bread and makes a really nice sandwich.  I also like to use some of my bread to dip into the pork and beans.  The soup was nice as well and had a tomato base.  I like the texture of the beans very much as well.  I used the apple jelly to make a jelly sandwich and it was absolutely delicious and perfect with milk.  The apple flavor is light, but very enjoyable and sweet to conclude the meal.  Thank you!



ごはん 牛乳 いわしのごまみそ煮

れんこんきんぴら 沢煮椀



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Today is Fish and Kinpira.  The renkon kinpira was quite good with a sweet flavor and a nice crunch.  The sesame seeds are a nice touch.  I usually move my fish onto my rice and like to mix the miso sauce with my kinpira to give it some extra flavor.  It was nice.  The soup, sawaniwan, was nice and hot.  It has very light flavors compared to the fish and kinpira, but was a nice side dish.  The iwashi was amazing, cooked perfectly, and the miso sauce tasted sweet and savory.  I really love the miso sauce that is added to the fish.  A very yummy lunch today!



タコライス 牛乳 ボイルキャベツ

豆腐とわかめのスープ 日向夏ゼリー



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Taco rice on this rainy and chilly day.  The taco rice was superb to put it simply.  I mixed all the cabbage and meat sauce and rice in my bowl and enjoyed it like that.  The boiled cabbage still had enough water in it so that it helped to temper the spiciness of the meat sauce and added a crunchy element as well.  This is quite the interesting dish and very good.  Authentic taco flavors!  Completely contrasting that powerful full flavored rice dish is the more gentle tofu and wakame soup.  Since the taco rice has such strong flavors, the more subtle and Japanese flavors of the soup are easier to discern allowing me to taste them clearly.  An interesting pair that works together surprisingly well!  The jelly for dessert was delicious and had a sweetened grapefruit flavor.  It was very enjoyable and strong enough to refresh my pallet despite having enjoyed the heavily yet deliciously flavored taco rice!  Excellent meal today!  I am full!



あんパン 牛乳 焼きそば




~Lunch Report By ALT~

Yakisoba and anpan!  We rarely if ever see anpan so I am excited to try it.  The daikon and ham salad is a winner everytime and today is no different.  I really think it’s the umami of the ham and sour and salty flavors of the dressing that really make it so delicious.  The yakisoba was delicious and the noodles had a nice soft texture.  Quite good.  There was a little crunchy texture from the carrots and cabbage as well here and there which was nice.  The anpan was excellent!  Good texture and a nice level of sweetness.  Why don’t we have anpan for school lunch more?  ANPAN REVIVAL!



ごはん 牛乳 冷ややっこ

小松菜のおひたし 肉じゃが



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Nikujaga & tofu. The komastsuna salad was delicious. The smoky katsuoboshi really lends a nice flavor to the vegetables. Before I jumped into the nikujaga I prepared and ate my tofu. It was so smooth and creamy and flavorful. It is very high quality tofu which is great. The soy sauce that came with it was very good as well. The nikujaga was perfect. Seriously kyushoku nikujaga is so filled with delicious umami and sweet flavors and has so many noodles and vegetables it is phenomenal. So hot and filling, it is perfect for the cold and rainy weather today. Lovely lunch!



ミルクパン マーシャルビンズ 牛乳

スペイン風オムレツ ビーンズサラダ

オニオンスープ ラ・フランスゼリー



~Lunch Report By ALT~

MARSHALL BEANS!  Excellent lunch day today of course.  The beans salad is amazing and is a crunchy hearty start to my meal.  The broccoli makes sure there is plenty of dressing since it doesn’t stick to the beans very well.  The spanish omelette, which I will call a quiche, was great.  I like the potatoes adding a bit of different texture from the eggs.  The onion soup is amazing as well.  There are so many onions finely sliced into this soup and their sweetness really gives a nice flavor with the bits of meat in it.  The cabbage acts as a nice base and makes for a hearty and crunchy bite along with the yummy soup.  I use some of my bread roll to clean the salad dressing and some to soak up some soup so I can get a nice ratio for my chocobread.  The ratio of marshall beans to bread must be good or else it’s too dry.  Lastly, the pear jelly was quite nice and a good refreshing end to the meal.  Such a great meal today!