


ごはん 牛乳 いわしのおかか煮

もみづけ とん汁



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Today is fish, salad, and soup.  The momizuke was quite good and I like to mix it with the sauce from the fish when I eat it giving it a bit more flavor.  The tonjiru is nice and hot with a light flavor.  The meat and vegetables are nice and its very good.  The iwashi was excellent and the sauce on it was fantastic.  It has almost a smoky flavor which is savory and a little bit sweet.  It’s quite good and great with rice of course.  A nice Japanese style lunch today.



米粉パン 牛乳 オムレツ

ハムと大根のサラダ マカロニのクリーム煮



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Yes, one of the holy days of school lunch has arrived!  The daikon ham salad is such a great starter and delicious in all ways.  Super crunchy and juicy at the same time with a nice dressing that is complimented by the natural flavors of the ham.  Love this salad.  The omelet was nice and had pretty good flavor.  I liked to eat some of the bread along with it.  Of course today’s main event is the delicious macaroni stew.  I love it.  It is filled with plenty of delicious vegetables and chicken and so creamy and good.  Absolutely amazing.  Great lunch today!



ごはん 牛乳 えびシューマイ

ハムとニラの和え物 マーボー豆腐



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Today is mabodofu and shumai with a kind of Japanese-style namul.  The vegetables have kind of a tart and tangy dressing as well as a nice sesame flavor.  The mabo was nice and hot.  I liked the tofu in it a lot and there was even a tiny bit of spice in there I feel which was nice.  The shrimp shumai were tasty and a nice contrast to the flavors of the salad and the mabo.  Nice lunch today!



ごはん 牛乳 厚焼卵 ブロッコリーのごま和え



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Nice simple lunch today but with many ingredients.  The broccoli and cucumber salad is juicy and crunchy with great sesame flavors.  The tamagoyaki was sweet and fluffy.  I liked it along with rice and some of the sesame sauce left in the plate.  The daikon no nimono was fantastic. Nice and hot.  Great with rice and filled with nice juicy flavors.  The nimono and the sweet egg contrast each other really well making a nice set for the menu today.  Excellent lunch! Thank you!



黒とうパン 牛乳 肉団子

じゃこサラダ カレーうどん



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Curry Udon and meatball sandwiches to end the week!  Nice!  The jako salad is always interesting with a slight fishiness from the little jako spread in it and the nice flavors from the sesame and aburaage.  Today’s cury udon is absolutely wonderful and has a great spice level.  I always feel like the curry udon is always spicier than the regular curry and rice.  The meatballs and bread together make an excellent sandwich which is great. Lovely lunch today!



ごはん 牛乳 ホイコーロー

ポーミントン(中華風卵入りコーンスープ) アセロラゼリー



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Today is hoikoro and pominton! A yummy Chinese-style lunch which looks really good and smells great. The hoikoro is stellar and it is packed with so much meat and vegetables its great. The spices were also really good today too and the pepper was excellent and really stood out giving this dish some kick. Pominton is like the normal eggy kind of chinese soup, but filled with lots of corn which gives is a new level of flavor and depth. A seriously amazing lunch today which is rounded out by the cold and sweet aserora jelly which is refreshing. One of the best lunches all year and the first appearance of hoikoro in a long time I think.



メンチカツバーガー 牛乳 さつまいものシチュー



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Menchi Katsu Sandwich and sweet potato stew! Today is another one of those super-autumn school lunches. The menchi burger was super good and the crunch of the katsu along with the soft bread was a really enjoyable texture. The strong onion and meat flavors from the katsu were mellowed out by the bread and cabbage and also complimented by the sauce making the burger a super satisfying and tasty main dish. The stew was truly amazing. It was creamy and flavorful, filled with a nice variety of vegetables including sweet potato and even meat as well. I liked to go for some stew after a few bites of the sandwich to help with the bread and it was amazing. Any stew lunch is going to be delicious and today was no exception! Fantastic meal that I am quite thankful for.




ごはん 牛乳 さんまの開き

小松菜のおひたし けんちん汁



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Today is special local sato imo day with sanma.  I don’t really like sato imo very much because of the texture, but I do love sanma very much.  The komatsuna salad is quite delicious and juicy with a nice smoky flavor from the katsuoboshi.  The kenchin soup was actually quite delicious and the fresh local satoimo had a much less sticky texture than normal so it was much better than I was expecting.  It was actually quite creamy which was great.  The sanma was excellent if a little bit salty today.  I love the oily crispiness of the sanma and enjoyed it thoroughly with my rice.  Wonderful Japanese style lunch today!



三色丼 牛乳 みそ汁



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Sanshokudon and Miso soup. I feel like we haven’t gotten sanshokudon in a long time so I am happy to see it today. The greens are super tasty and the sesame flavor is sweet and delicious. The egg and chicken mix is great as always and has a nice light soy sauce flavor which I love. The miso soup is good as well today and I enjoyed the potatoes especially. A classic school lunch menu and very nice and filling. Thank you!



ミルクパン とちおとめジャム 牛乳

煮こみハンバーグ チーズポテト 白菜スープ



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Hamburg and cheesy potatoes!  What a blessing.  I immediately make a sandwich using the bread saving some for the jam.  I dig into the potatoes which are excellent and the cheesy goodness is great.  The hakusai soup had a very light flavor, but was packed with lots of vegetables and yummy clear noodles as well.  It was a good pair with the potatoes which might have been too dry without a little soup to help them along.  The hamburg was pretty good and had a kind of ketchuppy sauce which was alright!  I enjoyed it, but I think today’s MVP has to be the cheesy potatoes without a doubt.  The tochiotome jam and bread was a delicious desert for the end and great with milk too.  SO sweet and nice.  A great lunch today! Thank you and have a nice weekend!