



ごはん 牛乳 県産納豆

じゃこサラダ しょうが入り肉じゃが



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Back from the weekend and its Nikujaga and Natto!  I vanquished my natto quickly, but I think today’s mustard or soy sauce or both was a little different.  It was a slightly different color after mixing it up.   Then I jumped into the salad to cleanse my chopsticks and mouth.  The jako salad is alright with a slightly fishy taste in addition to the dressing.  The nikujaga is the main event today for sure though.  I adore that great taste and super hearty vegetable content.  The little pops from the ginger which was added in was a nice change of pace as well.  Happy for the full meal and absolutely adore the nikujaga!  Thank you!



ミルクパン チョコパテ 牛乳 ほうれん草グラタン

アスパラガスソテー ポークビーンズ



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Today there are a few new menu items which is nice!  We have a new interesting asparagus sautee as well as a spinach gratin.  Also pork and beans soup with bread and a new style of chocolate pate/cream as well instead of marshall beans.  The sautee is quite delicious and the asparagus and corn are a nice juicy and crunchy pair with nice flavor.  The meat is a nice touch as well.  The gratin is an interesting little dish.  It looks like a patty, but it was baked into an oval, but is still quite soft on the inside.  The creamy spinach has some cheese as well and it is very good.  It has a ton of great flavor and is very satisfying.  This is something I would expect to see at a bakery or a café.  The pork and beans was wonderful and super hot.  It was hearty and delicious and perfect with the bread as well.  The new chocolate sauce was pretty much straight up chocolate sauce with 1.5mg of iron in it.  It was super sweet and great on the bread and with milk as well.  Quite a change from marshall beans and reminds me that marshall beans isn’t actually chocolate haha.  Super nice treat.  A really interesting and delicious menu today!



ごはん 牛乳 ぶた肉と野菜のしょうがいため




~Lunch Report By ALT~

Ginger Stirfry and shrimp ball soup. The stirfry tastes great and has a nice ginger flavor. The meat and onions in particular were cooked really well and go great together. The shrimp ball soup was excellent as well and super hot too. I love the juicy shrimp balls which give it a really big burst of flavor. Simple lunch, but very good and quite satisfying.




ごはん 牛乳 さんまの開き

小松菜のごま和え すきやき風煮



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Today is sanma day! The komatsu sesame salad was super good. I love that sweet and sesame flavor. The sukiyaki style soup was absolute delicious. Sweet and noodly, with lots of great flavors. The sanma was also quite good today and nice and salty. The salty sanma and the sweet flavors of the salad and soup were a great match up and wonderful with rice. Super nice lunch today. Nothing but good menu items today and the sukiyaki-style soup is a great new addition to the school lunch lineup.



ごはん 牛乳 厚焼卵

五目ひじき キムチ入りとん汁



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Kimchi Tonjiru, hijiki, and tamagoyaki.  A very Japanese menu on a very rainy day.  The hijiki was nice and filling with plenty of meat and tofu along with the seaweed and other beans and veggies.  The tamagoyaki was sweet and I enjoyed it with rice.  Lastly, the kimchi tonjiru was excellent.  I love that flavor and it is warm and tasty on this cold day.  Wonderful lunch.




いか天丼 牛乳 切り干し大根のナムル

たぬき汁 ぶどうグミ



~Lunch Report By ALT~

It is a kind of rainy and gloomy Monday today, but we have lovely fried squid to boost our spirits!  The dried daikon namul was pretty good and the dressing was very nice.  The little slices of ham add a lot to it as well.  The tanooki soup was ok.  It was nice and warm and had an earthy flavor.  Today’s fried squid was excellent and the sauce was delicious as well.  A nice lunch that charged me back up for the afternoon. The grape gummies were also a nice treat as well. Thank you!



ミルクパン 牛乳 スラッピージョー

コールスローサラダ 大根のポトフ



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Today is sloppy joes, cole slaw, and soup.  The cole slaw is simple and pretty delicious.  I like the sweetness and the crunchy texture.  The daikon potofu was interesting and having daikon radish instead of potatoes was an interesting choice, but it still worked really well.  Quite nice and most of the flavor comes from the little sausage slices in it.  The sloppy joes were excellent and the bread to meat ratio was nice today.  It is a great little sandwich and reminds me of America.  Wonderful lunch today!  Looking forward to the weekend!



ごはん 牛乳 春巻 チンジャオロースー




~Lunch Report By ALT~

After another nice holiday we come back and there is another great lunch waiting!  Chinese style food with spring rolls and chinjaross!  The chinjaross was excellent and filled with nice ginger and savory flavors.  The tofu and seaweed soup was light and nice.  I liked the juicy and soft tofu.  Today’s VIP by far is the spring roll, crunchy, savory, and absolutely delicious.   Great lunch today!  Great crunch today!



ハヤシライス 牛乳 大根とツナのサラダ




~Lunch Report By ALT~

First day back after sports day and we get a yummy hayashi rice and tuna salad! The salad was nice and pretty hearty with lots of tuna and daikon radish. I like the sweetness the corn adds to the mostly tart dressing and fishy tuna flavor. The hayashi rice was nice and had a good flavor. It has a good balance of tomato and the vegetables are great too. I like how smooth it is. Last, was the La France Jelly. I think that it is pear flavored. It is delicious with a light sweet flavor. A nice change after the hayashi rice. Thank you!




ミルクパン 牛乳 とりのからあげレモンソース

花野菜サラダ 春雨スープ パンプキンババロア



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Halloween is this Sunday so today is the Halloween menu.  We get karaage with lemon sauce, some soup with cute pumpkin Naruto, and delicious flower vegetable salad.  Lastly of course a yummy pumpkin babaloa dessert.  The salad was awesome and is one of my favorites.  This and the cube salad are maybe the best.  I love how juicy the flower veg salad is and enjoy how much dressing the broccoli and cauliflower soak up.  I like to make a chicken sandwich and use some of the remaining bread to soak up the yummy lemon sauce / dressing combo on the plate.  The harsame soup was great.  The little pumpkin shapes were really cute and the color of the soup in general really gave it a nice autumn vibe.  The lemon chicken was quite good and I adore the sweet and slightly sour sauce that comes with it.  I like it as a sandwich with school lunch, but want to try it right out of the fryer/oven some day in the future.  Last, the pumpkin babaloa was a very tasty little creamy dessert with some whipped cream on top as well.  Excellent lunch before sports day tomorrow!