



ごはん 牛乳 さんまのみぞれ煮

五目ひじき いなむどぅち(沖縄風とん汁)



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Today is a Japanese lunch menu with sanma, hijiki, and soup.  The hijiki was great.  It was packed with lots of protein from the meat and beans too.  Today’s soup, the Inamuducchi was interesting.  It reminded me a little bit of the Dosanko soup and although it looks like a miso soup, I think the base is different.  Maybe it is from the amount of satsumaage in it giving the soup a more complex flavor.  It was good.  The sanma today was excellent and a great dish with the rice.  The sweet and savory daikon oroshi sauce was delicious and gave the sanma a more interesting flavor and matched it with rice even more perfectly.  A great menu today!




三色丼 牛乳 みそ汁



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Today is the delicious sanshokudon with soup.  The juicy sesame greens and the yummy egg and chicken mix are a perfect match and go very well with the rice of course.  The miso soup was excellent today and the onions and potatoes were particularly delicious adding great flavor as well as hearty and enjoyable texture.  One of my favorite lunches so there isn’t much to say!



ごはん 牛乳 春巻 ハムとニラの和え物




~Lunch Report By ALT~

I missed lunch on Friday sadly!  I wanted to try the jam!  Today is mabodofu, a classic kyuushoku menu. The salad was quite refreshing and good with yummy sesame flavors.  Undoubtedly todays VIP are the spring rolls.  They are so crunchy and good.  The flavors are like a yummy savory Chinese soup.  The mabo today was quite nice.  It had a bit more punch than last time so it was more enjoyable to eat.  A nice lunch today!



いか天丼 牛乳 もみづけ むらくも汁



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Ikatendon!  Today is a mysterious menu to me because when I look at it I don’t think that I will like it, but everytime it is super delicious and enjoyable.  Very strange.  The momizuke is so simple, but the flavors are there and its enjoyable to eat. The ‘raincloud’ soup is another excellent side dish and perfect for today’s (This week’s) weather.  The egg and onion flavor have been boiled really nicely giving the whole soup a nice base and the chicken adding a lot of great umami.  The squid tempura is fine on its own but with the sauce and rice is perfect.  I love kyushoku ikatendon very much.  A nice lunch and quite filling.  If only it could make the rain go away!





米粉パン 牛乳 星型ハンバーグ

短冊サラダ 天の川スープ 七夕デザート



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Today is a special menu for Tanabata, the Stars Festival.  Everything is star shaped in the menu today!  Well not everything, but almost everything.  The salad was bright and delicious with a nice crunch and sweet sour dressing. The ‘heaven’ soup has nice delicious noodles and a great simple salty flavor and the Naruto slices have little stars in them too.  The hamburg which was also shaped like a star was nice too.  Meaty and good with ketchup as well as a good pair with the bread.  The rice bread is one of my favorites.  I love and soft and stretch texture as well as the nice crust on the outside too.  Last was the special dessert.  I love this dessert, it has so many flavors like lemon and grape and the best part is the little orange star on top.  I save it for last every time!  A truly wonderful meal across the board!  Thank you!




ポークカレーライス 牛乳 海そうサラダ



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Pork Curry and Rice today baby! Oh yeah!  The seaweed and cucumber salad was slippery and crunchy at the same time.  The flavors of the dressing and freshness of the vegetables was great.  The curry was excellent and had a great spice level.  The potatoes and onions in particular really hit the mark today.  A classic lunch menu but a great one!



ごはん 牛乳 カマスの西京焼き

小松菜のごま和え とん汁



~Lunch Report By ALT~

The komatsuna salad was sweet and soft with a squishy crunch.  I like the sesame flavor.  The tonjiru was warm and hearty and I got a lot of potatoes which were soft and delicious.  Today’s fish is not my favorite and I tried to eat it quickly.  Today is a classic Japanese menu, but this fish is slowly becoming one of my kyuushoku villains alongside of natto after I got a big bone in my fish.  Still, I am very thankful for the delicious meal!




バターロール とちおとめジャム 牛乳

キャベツのマリネ インド煮



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Another rainy day today, but we have warm and spicy indoni to enjoy for lunch.  The cabbage salad was great.  The nice and tangy dressing with the umami from the ham and nice crunch from the cabbage makes it a yummy one.  The indoni was excellent.  It isn’t quite the same flavor as curry and the eggs in it give it a nice and unique flavor and texture as well which is a welcome change and a delicious one too.  Indoni is always interesting.  I feel like it has a curry and tomato base and they add extra liquid to make it more like a soup than a rue.  One of the kyushoku mysteries that I just enjoy eating.  It goes quite well with the butter roll as well.  As always the tochiotome jam and butter roll are a delicious final snack to enjoy with my milk.




ビビンバ 牛乳 春雨スープ アセロラゼリー



~Lunch Report By ALT~

First day of July.  Bibinba!  The namul salad mix is quite nice and has a subtle sesame flavor and a nice juicy bite.  The meat is delicious and very flavorful and the vegetable/root that is served with it has a kind of hard texture, but is also very good.  The harusame soup is hot and delicious with a light salty flavor.  It is also packed with vegetables and yummy noodles as well.  The clear noodles are my favorite.  And the acerora jelly was a nice sweet finish to the meal as well.  A delicious to July!