


ごはん 牛乳 とりのからあげ韓国風

ナムル 春雨スープ



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Excellent korean-style flavors in today’s lunch.  The namul was pretty good, a simple spinach salad with come carrots and bean sprouts with sesame seeds.  A nice and easy start.  The harusame soup was also quite good.  I liked it mostly for its hotness and the yummy noodles, since the flavor was quite light today, but I could taste white pepper which was nice.  Today’s main event of course is the Korean-style karaage.  It was fried perfectly and still crispy despite being cooled down which was amazing.  It actually had a little bit of spice and some nice savory sweet flavors as well.  The sauce was amazing.  A wonderful meal today that filled me up and made me happy to enjoy. Thank you!



ごはん 牛乳 ほっけの塩焼き

白菜のおひたし とん汁 りんごゼリー



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Back at it again and the first lunch of the week is fish, salad, and soup. The salad is spinach-based with some other veggies tossed in and flavored mostly with delicious smokey bonito. It’s a kyushoku classic and a nice start to the meal. Today’s fish, hokke, is not my favorite. It has a kind of creamy oily texture and the flavor is slightly bitter to me although the nutritionist often tells me that students think it tastes sweet. I ate it quickly with my rice and moved on to the soup which is today’s MVP. It was buttery and filled with delicious vegetables and meat as well. It was flavored quite well and was very enjoyable. Today’s apple jelly was amazing and filled with apple chunks. It had more of a natural texture than jelly making it similar to apple sauce which I love. A fine meal today. Thank you!



はちみつパン 牛乳 スパゲッティナポリタン

ハムと大根のサラダ ヨーグルト



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Wonderful pasta today.  I have smelled the cooking onions all morning leading up to lunchtime while walking in the halls between classes and it was great.  The daikon, ham, and cucumber salad was excellent.  Great dressing and perfect balance of ingredients as well.  The pasta was not a let down at all and tasted wonderful. The sauce had a light sweetness, but was still salty and savory enough for me.  The little hot dogs were lovely as always.  I use some of the bread for the pasta sauce, but like to save most of it to enjoy with the yogurt and the milk. As a nice little final dessert.



ごはん 牛乳 にらまんじゅう

春雨サラダ 八宝菜



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Chinese menu today with happosai, spring noodle salad, and manju.  The spring noodle salad is quite delicious and tangy with sesame seeds as well.  Strips of ham give some nice flavor as well as the cucumbers, cabbage, and carrots which offer a nice crunch.  Today’s main dish is the happosai, or 8 Treasures Vegetables.  It’s a very interesting naming for a dish, but it has a ton of interesting ingredients which I think are the treasures.  Today’s was tasty and a treasure to enjoy for sure.  Today’s super treasure was the nira manju though.  The strong flavor from the nira and the meat inside the dumpling make for a very delicious treat that was enjoyable.



フィッシュバーガー 牛乳 マカロニのクリーム煮



~Lunch Report By ALT~

A wonderful day for school lunch again.  Creamy macaroni stew and fried fish sandwiches.  Perhaps another reward for the teachers participating in today’s observation lesson?  The fried fish was delicious, crunchy, and had a nice flavor.  The sauce added some tangy flavors to the fishy and meaty goodness.  With the moisture from the boiled cabbage, it’s a nice collection of textures that makes for a yummy dish.  The cream stew was delicious as always.  So hearty and the pasta is quite yummy filled with sauce.  In particular the mushrooms were a nice addition to this adding an interesting texture that was enjoyable.  I feel like the flavor of the cabbage kind of won out over the others and I was hoping for a stronger onion flavor.  It was still an absolute delight and I am very thankful for such a powerful meal before an important lesson this afternoon!  Thank you!



三色丼 牛乳 けんちん汁



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Today the parents came to watch lessons!  With many many people, we also have a meal with many many ingredients.  Sanshokudon!  The kenchin soup was quite good.  I liked how hot and hearty it was, filled with lots of veggies and tofu.  The sanshokudon proper was delicious as always.  The savory egg and chicken with the tasty sweet and sesame spinach as well is a delicious meal great with rice.  Thank you!



県産小麦のコッペパン とちおとめジャム 牛乳

おろしハンバーグ かんぴょうサラダ オニオンスープ



~Lunch Report By ALT~

What a bounty on display today!  Hamburg steaks, delicious onion soup, kanpyou salad, and jam with bread.  The salad was excellent and had a wonderful and delicious creamy sesame dressing.  The onion soup was packed with flavor and had a great texture from the cabbage and the sliced onions.  I use some of the bread as buns for the hamburg and enjoy it like a little sandwich.  Its super good and the oroshi sauce is prefect with the bread.  Such a tasty meal and super filling.  Last the tochiotome jam is sweet and enjoying it on the bread with my milk makes for a nice little dessert to end the meal.  What a wealth of delicious foods today and almost all of them using ingredients from Tochigi!




大根入りカレーライス 牛乳

ほうれん草サラダ にっこり(なし)



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Today’s menu theme is local daikon radish which is featured in the curry.  I started with the tune and spinach salad which was pretty good!  The tuna was good and the crunch from the corn and cucumber were a nice additional texture.  The curry today was very good as well!  The daikon is a pretty good match and its juiciness allowed me to appreciate the spiciness of the curry a bit more I think.  A lovely meal today.  Thank you.



米粉パン 牛乳 県産ぶた肉コロッケ

海そうサラダ 冬野菜シチュー



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Today is a super excellent menu. The seaweed salad was alright. A little slippery for my liking, but it tasted quite nice and the corn gave it some texture. The pork croquette very delicious and perfectly fried. It had a nice balance of meat to potato in the filling as well which was very enjoyable. The stew today is a winter vegetable cream stew and it was pretty good. It was creamy and hot and had a light flavor, with broccoli having the most prominent flavor among the rest of the vegetables. Great lunch today. Bring on more stew!



ごはん 牛乳 いわしのおかか煮

五目きんぴら さつま汁



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Japanese style food has been popping up a lot recently!  Today is fish in bonito sauce and kinpira with sweet potato soup as well.  Quite the meal today.  The kinpira is sweet and earthy with good flavors from the sauce as well as the gobo.  It also has a nice sweetness which is enjoyable.  Kinpira is really good in school lunch.  The sweet potato soup was similar to the miso soup or tonjiru we get often, but has sweet potatoes in it.  The sweetness and bright color of the satsumaimo give it a nice extra layer of flavor and color.  Today’s fish is pretty good and the sauce is really nice.  I love bonito and the smoky goodness of the sauce adds a lot to the fish.  Delicious meal today!