

ごはん 牛乳 あじフライ

五目ひじき けんちん汁



~Lunch Report By ALT~

January is already at an end.  Only about 2 months left of the school year!  Only two more months of school lunch.  Today we have a wonderful ajifry as well as hijiki.  A tasty classic and it does not disappoint.  The hijiki is good and the aburaage is juicy and filled with flavor.  That and the nice chunks of meat added in alongside the beans makes it a pretty good salad.  We also got a soup as well, kenchin soup.  It has a very light flavor and is filled with lots of veggies and tofu.  It is the cool down menu item after having bites of the powerful ajifry.  The ajifry was super crunchy, fried perfectly, and had a nice fairly gentle fishy flavor and on the inside a soft texture.