


はちみつパン 牛乳 フレンズサラダ

花野菜サラダ 白菜スープ



Today’s lunch has a slightly western vibe to it with the gratin tart, and bread. I started with the flower vegetable salad which was loaded with broccoli and cauliflower. The dressing is light and nice adding a little tart flavor to the mix, which the veggies soak up like a sponge, and the little squares of ham add a nice flavor that balances it well. It is a really good salad. The soup was excellent and the noodles and hakusai add nice texture and the meatballs were a pleasant surprise. They were tasty and make the soup quite hearty. The gratin in the tart shell was good too. I love anything that comes in these little tart shells, sweet or savory, and today was great. The gratin was creamy and had a very light flavor, but the crunchiness from the shell made it quite nice. Today’s bread is hachimitsupan and it was super fluffy and soft. I think it pairs best with the milk to bring out its sweetness, but I dipped a few hunks into my soup as well of course and it was still delicious. Nice to see the interesting and more adventurous menu items coming out! I love when kyushoku adds surprises.




ごはん 牛乳 おろしハンバーグ

もみづけ みそ汁



Today is the first lunch that the new first graders will ever eat in elementary school! How exciting. I have eaten kyushoku in hoikuen and yochien before and compared to elementary school they are very different. Elementary school lunch matches much better to the pallet of older kids and adults in many ways so it should be exciting. Also, today’s menu is hamburg, with momizuke, and miso soup. A classic menu! The momizuke salad was quite god and had a great crunchy texture and the light flavor from the sesame seeds was nice. The miso soup had a nice light flavor as well and the tofu and aburaage were great. I love how juicy the aburaage becomes filled with soup broth. Today’s main dish, the hamburg steak, was awesome. The oroshi sauce had a really nice onion flavor that paired perfectly with the meat and went well with rice. I always put my hamburg on top of my rice and enjoy it like donburi. A classic menu, but a superb meal! I hope the new students enjoyed their first kyushoku as elementary schoolers!




ごはん 牛乳 かつおのゆずみぞれ煮

五目ひじき むらくも汁



Today is a Japanese style lunch with fish, hijiki, and soup.  The hijiki was nice and I like the beans in it.  Today’s soup is called ‘murakumo’ soup.  So in English it would be called cloudy soup!  It is hot and delicious and the eggs are great.  Today’s main dish is the Katsuo with a yuzu miso sauce.  It is absolutely delicious and the flavor is so strong.  The miso base is good, but the yuzu has such a powerful and fresh flavor it is amazing.  And the fish itself was very meaty and hearty.  An excellent lunch today and one of the best so far!



フィッシュバーガー 牛乳 コーンシチュー



Today is an interesting menu. Corn stew and 'fish burgers'. The fishburger is a hot dog bun, some cabbage, and tar tar sauce which is topped with a nicely fried very crispy fish katsu. It was very delicious and the tar tar sauce matches well with the fish. The cabbage also adds a nice texture and moistness to the sandwich. The fish and the buns aren’t the same size, so I saved a little of the bread to enjoy with my stew. The corn stew was superb. Great flavor and creamy and hot. Pops of sweetness from the corn and nice textures from the rest of the vegetables as well. A truly delicious meal! The first week of school lunch starts out strong!




三色丼 牛乳 けんちん汁



The first kyushoku of the new school year! Sanshokudon! To represent the variety of challenges and experiences we will all share this year maybe? The kenchin soup was delicious and hot. A nice way to warm up before I dug into my three colored rice. The greens in the sanshokudon were delicious, sweet, and had a nice sesame flavor. The soboru and egg mix was also quite yummy and had a nice salty flavor which balanced very well with the greens. A great lunch to start off the new school year! Best school lunch of the year so far!




紅茶パン 牛乳 キャベツのマリネ

ビーフシチュー アイス



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Final kyushoku of the month!  Recently the final kyushoku of the month is always exciting and has something special.  Today there is ice cream and interestingly, kouchapan, or black tea bread.  The cabbage marine is a simple salad of cabbage, cucumber, and ham, but has a very delicious dressing and is quite complex with flavors and textures.  A real surprise of a salad that I always enjoy eating.  Today’s beef stew was delicious and loaded with beef.  It reminds me of the hayashi rice, but I think there is a bit more beefy flavor in this stew.  It is very good.  The bread is also very delicious and has a light coating of sugar on it as well which makes it almost a dessert.  I saved some to eat with the ice cream.  And today we got haagen-dazs vanilla ice cream which is quite the treat!  Today is a special lunch for the 6th year students since this is their last year eating lunch in elementary school.  I wish them well. Today’s lunch was amazing!



三色丼(そぼろ・ごま和え) 牛乳 鮭団子汁



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Today we have sanshokudon and fishball soup.  A great menu!  The soup was amazing and the fishy salmon balls add a lot of great flavor to the soup and mix perfectly with it.  This is one of my favorite soups in kyushoku.  The sanshokudon is like a Japanese bibinba.  It is very good and the greens have a delicious sesame flavor and the egg chicken mix is sweet and savory at the same time.  It is so delicious.  This is one of my favorite meals and a top 15 for sure.  Gochisousamadeshita!




黒とうパン 牛乳 焼きそば 

こんにゃくサラダ ヨーグルト



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Today is yakisoba day.  The konyaku salad is slimy and juicy and has a nice flavor.  Sadly I have very severe hay fever so I can’t really enjoy the flavor of the foods as much as I want to!  The yakisoba has a strong flavor so I can taste it and it was delicious.  Also, there is a lot of meat in it today which was quite nice.  Lastly I ate some of my bread with the salad and milk, but I saved it to eat alongside the yogurt.  I think that the flavor of the yogurt and bread are a really nice match so they go well together.  A nice lunch today.



ごはん 牛乳 白身魚フライ

五目ひじき とん汁



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Today’s lunch is Japanese style.  Fried fish and hijiki salad.  The salad was good and I always enjoy the meaty bits with the hijiki.  It is quite sweet as well.  The tonjiru was nice and hot today and filled with lots of vegetables.  It was just regular tonjiru and it was nice to eat it after getting many special varieties recently.  Today’s fried whitefish was excellent.  The perfect amount of crunch and still juicy and warm on the inside as well.  The sauce adds a little extra flavor giving it some zing and its delicious on rice.  A lovely Japanese lunch today!





ホットドッグ 牛乳 チャンポンメン




~Lunch Report By ALT~

Today is a nice little hotdog with a side of noodles and jelly for dessert.  The chanponmen was very delicious and hot.  I liked the variety of veggies and proteins in it as well.  The hot dog is great as well and I always enjoy it.  It has a nice smokey flavor which is a flavor we don’t see often in kyushoku.  And the cabbage also helps to make up for the buns to dog ratio as well which is nice.  The strawberry jelly was amazing and filed with flavor.  I usually eat it in slices, but today I mixed it up and it was very good too.  A wonderful sweet ending to a delicious meal.