


ごはん 牛乳 さばのみそ煮

れんこんきんぴら むらくも汁



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Today is a Japanese menu!  The Renkon kinpira is great.  Renkon is called lotus root in English and many people in America don’t eat it, but I think it is great.  The kinpira has a nice earthy and savory flavor with hints of sweetness here and there that make it a delight.  The Murakumo soup was nice.  In English, murakumo are “Gathering Clouds” and I understand the meaning since the eggs look a little like clouds in the soup.  The saba misoni was excellent. Maybe today’s best menu item with its nice flavorful meaty texture and the sweet delicious miso sauce on top.  Saba is mackerel in English.  It’s delicious and cooked perfectly I feel.  Not to mention a bit bigger than usual too which is a surprise.  Another excellent school lunch today!



チキンカレーライス 牛乳

海そうサラダ ヨーグルト



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Today is chicken curry with rice, seagrass salad, and some yogurt.  A classic school lunch menu.  I like the seagrass salad very much and enjoy the sweetness from the corn and cabbage mixed with the slightly sour and tangy dressing.  The chicken curry was excellent and the spice level was quite nice.  It tasted spicier than usual and I enjoyed it quite a bit.  In winter I think that spicy curry is delicious.  Today’s yogurt was Yakult flavored and it has an interesting sweet and sourness which is unique.  Nice lunch today!  Also, I was unable to eat lunch yesterday but am bummed that I missed out on the oroshi hamburg and gobo salad.  I love gobo!



ミルクパン マーシャルビーンズ 牛乳

きのこスパゲッティ イタリアンサラダ お米のババロア



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Today is another great menu. Pasta, salad,babaloa, and bread with MARSHALL BEANS!  The Italian salad is wonderful as always, but today I was very happy with how the salad looked.  The variety of red, pink, green, and white is very nice and reminds me of the Italian flag and is very bright and beautiful.  The mushroom spaghetti came with some seaweed flakes as a topping and that gave it a Japanese flare.  There was more than one type of mushroom in the pasta and it had a nice earthy flavor backed up by the onion and carrot slices.  I recommend using some of the bread to clean the salad bowl and pasta bowl and then eat it with the marshall beans to improve the beans to bread ratio.  Its great!  And finally the babaloa was great.  I love the mix of the creamy soy pudding and the fruity and tart orange topping.  A great finish.  This is one of my favorite lunch menus.  Top 10 for sure!  Gochisousamadeshita!



ごはん 牛乳 えびシューマイ

切干大根のナムル マーボー豆腐



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Today is a Chinese style menu.  Mabo Dofu, Shrimp Shumai, and namul salad.  The namul is excellent, crunchy, and packed with flavor and lots of vegetables.  I love the sesame flavor mixed with the nice fresh flavors of the vegetables and ham.  Today’s namul feels like it had extra ingredients in it.  The mabo dofu today was very good and I think it was a tiny bit more spicy than usual.  The sauce looked a little more red than last time.  It was excellent as always.  The shumai were full of shrimp flavor and quite good, but mine were cold.  Next time I will put my shumai into my mabo dofu to warm them up!  Today’s best menu items for me was the mabo dofu and the namul.  Wonderful meal.



ココアあげパン 牛乳 ハムと大根のサラダ




~Lunch Report By ALT~

Today is a great menu.  Special Cocoa Agepan, Corn Stew, and Ham and Daikon Salad.  The tangy and bright flavors of the crunchy daikon and cucumber contrast the savory meat in the salad perfectly and make it extremely delicious to enjoy.  The corn stew was hot, delicious, and extremely hearty.  Filled to the brim with vegetables and some meat as well, it was absolutely wonderful.  Again, kyuushoku stew cannot be beaten.  I liked the sweetness of the corn strew soaking into the soft potatoes and eating them with the slightly savory and juicy onions for a great combo of flavor and texture. Today’s agepan seemed like it had a lot more sugary coating on it than usual so it was very very sweet.  Normally it has a kinako sugar coating on it but today is cocoa and it was good.  The chocolately flavor was interesting and went very well with milk.  Excellent lunch today and easily the best lunch of the 3rd semester. Gochisousamadeshita!




ごはん 牛乳 青ヒラスの味勝焼き
白菜のおひたし どさんこ汁 みかんゼリー


~Lunch Report By ALT~

Today’s hakusai salad was quite good and I enjoyed the katsuo boshi flavor the most.  The ‘Dosannko’ soup was really delicious and had a very rich flavor and was filled with vegetables.  I like the buttery flavor of the broth and the soft texture of the potatoes in particular.  Today’s fish was good, but not my favorite.  I would like to try it hot.  The tangerine jelly was quite good and still quite frozen because it is so cold! Today’s best menu items to me were the soup and the salad and of course the tangerine jelly.




黒とうパン 牛乳 チキンのオーブン焼き
カリコリサラダ きつねうどん



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Happy New Year!  This is the first school lunch of the new year and the 3rd semester at Imasan.  Today’sa kitsune udon was delicious and had a perfect balance of sweetness and savory from the noodles and the abura age.  The crunchy cube salad was amazing.  I love that salad.  The dressing tasted special today, almost a little smokey.  Maybe I am imagining things.  I want to add a new ‘corner’ to these food reports to keep them interesting. ALT Kyushoku Urawaza: Use half the bread to make a sandwich with the baked chicken!  Use the other half in quarters to soak up the soup and dressing from the salad.  The chicken sandwich was my favorite part of today’s meal!  Thank you and please have a wonderful new year in 2021!




ホットドッグ 牛乳 チャンポンメン



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Merry Christmas!  I really wish we had yesterday’s menu today, but in Japan many people think the 24th is Christmas and it isn’t. The 25th is Christmas day.  Today we got a hot dog and some chanponmen.  An interesting combination.  The chanponmen was quite delicious and I enjoyed the salty flavor very much.   The hot dog was very good as well and I like the little container that the ketchup and mustard come in.  It was a fine lunch, but this isn’t what I could consider a Christmas meal!  Thank you!




セルフチキンピラフ 牛乳 もみの木ハンバーグ

ミネストローネスープ セレクトデザート



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Today is clearly a Christmas themed school lunch! Minestrone soup, ‘Make your own chicken pilaf’, A christmas tree shaped hamburg, and a choice of dessert! Quite wide variety of items on the menu today. I started with the pilaf and it was superb. Tons of chicken, and a great variety of vegetables giving it a really nice onion flavor with bursts of sweetness from the corn which stood out. Delicious and a new menu item I think with excellent flavor. The minestrone soup was nice and had a light tomato flavor. I enjoyed it and even think I saw a snowman naruto (Or maybe a ghost? Haha.) in the soup as well. The hamburg was very cute looking and with ketchup it was quite good. Finally the cake! We got a choice of classic strawberry shortcake, a chocolate cake, and ‘cup dessert’, which was pudding or jelly I think. I went for the classic strawberry shortcake because it had the highest weight! Also, believe it or not, I prefer a lighter style of cake and think many chocolate cakes are very dense and heavy. The strawberry was a great choice and it had two layers of sponge, two layers of light and fluffy strawberry cream, and a layer of strawberry jam in the middle. An absolute delight and a wonderful finish to this excellent meal! This was a top 10 for sure! Gochisousamadeshita!