


ごはん 牛乳 えびシューマイ

ハムとニラの和え物 マーボー豆腐



【Lunch Report by ALT】

Today is the Mabo/Shumai combo menu.  It is always a good lunch.  The ham and nira salad was great.  Loads of bean sprouts, sesame seeds, and tons of flavor as well.  The mabo was fine, hot, and loaded with meat which was hearty and filling.  The shumai were little explosions of flavor that really went well with the tofu.  A yummy lunch today!  Warms you up on the rainy and cool day we are having.



三色丼(そぼろ・ごま和え) 牛乳




【Lunch Report by ALT】

Unfortunately I was not here today so I didn’t get to enjoy the yummy sanshokudon!  It is one of my faves too!  Next time!





ミルクパン マーマレード 牛乳

チキンのオーブン焼き ツナサラダ カレーうどん



【Lunch Report by ALT】

Curry Udon and Baked Chicken!  Today’s lunch is another interesting combination and today is also known as Marmalade day!  The tuna salad is a home run as always and has excellent savory and sour flavors from the tuna and dressing as well as nice textures.  The curry udon was excellent today and the spices were really kicking which was nice.  Curry is always good in school lunch, but the level of spice varies greatly and today was super good. For me, the oven baked chicken is the main event today because it is the perfect size for making a little chicken sandwich.  I rip my bread in half and then split it again to make two buns and enjoy a chicken sandwich.  It is delicious, the chicken is crunchy and cheesy, but the inside is tender and nice.  Perfect chicken today!  Finally, the marmalade.  I used the second half of my bread today to enjoy a little marmalade bread dessert and it was great.  The orange flavor was on point and there was even some zest as well which was super tasty adding a little sour and bitter flavor as well which was a nice addition.  Great lunch today.




ごはん 牛乳 納豆

大阪づけ 肉じゃが



【Lunch Report by ALT】

Niku Jaga Vs. Natto day!  Always mixed feelings on this lunch day.  I plow through my natto quickly and it was fine today.  After that I quickly eat plenty of the daikon and cucumber salad as well as rice to clean my chopsticks of the sticky strands as well as begin the long road to restoring my mouth to a state where I can enjoy the nikujaga.  Today’s nikujaga was a work of art.  I love the flavor and textures of nikujaga, the sweet and oniony broth and delicious juicy meat and yummy soft potatoes, onions, carrots, and beans as well.  Always this menu feels like a battle between the delicious and too good to be true nikujaga and one of my very few kyushoku nemesis, natto.  Still, every lunch is a good one even if there are one or two things I don’t like!  Thankful as always.





はちみつパン 牛乳 トマトオムレツ

花野菜サラダ クラムチャウダー アセロラゼリー



【Lunch Report by ALT】

Today is an interesting lunch menu with a variety of items but I don’t really know the theme.  Unless the theme is delicious food items because today has all delicious menu items.  The flowering-veggie salad is one of the best of all time because of the choice of dressing, the subtle variety of crunchy and soft textures, and the fact that these veggies soak up the dressing perfectly making for super balanced and very flavorful bites.  Seriously one of my favorite salads.  Coming off of the salad I jumped right into the clam chowder, another favorite of mine as I have stated before, any and all kyushoku stews are delicious and today is no exception.  The texture of the veggies was perfect and the clam bits were yummy too, but overall I felt like it had more liquid than usual and wasn’t as thick and stewy as I was expecting.  Still, a really delicious stew.  The tomato omelet is a new spin on a classic menu item.  This omelet is always changing depending on when and with what it pops up with. Today is the tomato version.  The egg itself is actually flavored pretty strongly which is nice and has a light hints of salt and maybe even garlic mixed in.  In the center is a little surprise burst of tomato sauce, which had a nice flavor as well and even chunks of meat and onion too.  I think so far this is one of the best versions of the omelet to date.  The honey bread was delicious and had a light sweetness to it which was nice as well.  I ate most of it with the milk as a lead up to the dessert besides the portions that I used to clean my soup bowl.  Today’s dessert was acerora jelly and it was a nice sweet finish to the meal.  Great lunch today!  One of the best so far!




ごはん 牛乳 青ヒラスの照り焼き

野菜のおひたし みそ汁



【Lunch Report by ALT】

Today is a Japanese lunch with salad, soup, and fish. The salad was packed with cucumbers and cabbage and had a lot of katsuoboshi mixed in as well giving it a really yummy smoky flavor.  There were also many sesame seeds as well making this crunchy, yet juicy salad really tasty.  Today’s fish is aohirasu and I personally don’t like it much.  I like teriyaki very much, but I think the natural fishiness of this type fish is a little bit much for me.  It is very popular with the students, though. I will admit that it tasted better to me this time than compared with when we got it last year. The soup was a nice simple miso soup with tofu and seaweed which was quite delicious and great along with the final few bites of rice.  A tasty school lunch although the fish isn’t my favorite, but looking at the rest of this week’s menu, things are abut to get super delicious!



ごはん 牛乳 ぶた肉と野菜のしょうがいため




【Lunch Report by ALT】

Today’s menu is the super yummy ginger pork and vegetables with shrimp ball soup on the side.  The ginger pork is excellent and has a nice gentle ginger flavor, but super big flavors from the green pepper and onions, which are my favorite.  Loaded with lots of meat too, this dish is great with rice and very satisfying.  Although the shrimp soup has a lighter flavor than the ginger pork, it is still super delicious and the shrimp flavor is a nice contrast to the pork and ginger.  The noodles have a great texture and it is nice and hot.  Two great dishes making for a simple menu overall, but both with great flavors, lots of tasty ingredients, and complex flavors.  A perfect Monday meal to charge us up for the week to come!



メンチカツバーガー 牛乳

ポトフ りんごのタルト



【Lunch Report By ALT】

Today is a super neat lunch!  Menchi katsu sandwich with some potof soup and a super yummy apple tart on the side.  The potof was super good.  Buttery and delicious the potatoes were soft and filled with broth and the meats in the soup added a lot of flavor and umami.  The key with making a good menchi sandwich is cutting the katsu in half.  There is a lot of bread roll and you need to span the gap with katsu and cabbage to make each bite delicious.  Then cover it all with the yummy sauce and save a little of the bread to use for the soup.  The katsu today was perfectly fried and filled with a delicious meaty filing that had a strong onion flavor as well which was very enjoyable.  The tart was amazing and super delicious.  Great crunchy texture which was crumbly but was soft and springy like cake on the inside with a delicious apple filling that was sweet and a little tart!  A true treat to conclude the meal.  An absolute treasure of a meal today!




ごはん 牛乳 さばのみそ煮

もみづけ とり肉とたけのこの煮物



【Lunch Report by ALT】

First lunch of May!  The momizuke salad was nice and crunchy with a great ginger flavor.  Super fresh and refreshing as well.  Today’s soup is a chicken and bamboo boil which was packed with flavor and a ton of interesting ingredients as well.  I liked the daikon and the bamboo in particular since the contrast of the juicy and crunchy bites was enjoyable.  The soup itself was quite sweet and earthy and the chicken added a lot of depth to it.  The Saba in miso sauce was also super good and great with rice.  I actually like the bones in the fish, which have a cool ‘soft crunch’-like texture and don’t take away from the experience.  The sauce today was pretty good too.  A lovely lunch as a welcome back from GW!



ミルクパン マーシャルビンズ 牛乳

スペイン風オムレツ ブロッコリーサラダ



【Lunch Report by ALT】

Today’s menu looks super healthy.  So many vegetables and so much green in everything.  It is a beautiful visually appealing kyuushoku today.  The green salad with creamy white dressing and pops of yellow from the corn is sweet and delicious. The Spanish-style omelet looks like a quiche without a crust to me, but I guess that is what an omelet is isn’t it?  It is lovely and yellow with nice brown colors from being baked, and also has greens and whites from the ingredients inside.  The potatoes gave it a nice texture and I think there may have even been cheese in it too.  It is quite delicious with a very light savory flavor.  Today’s soup is also kind of a main dish as well with the minestrone soup.  Sometimes the flavor of the minestrone soup can be a little too light, but today was quite strong.  The taste of the nice tomatoes and some spices along with all the delicious ingredients inside it as well.  Today I liked the smokey ham chunks and the yummy pasta shells.  The real star of the show today is of course, Marshall Beans.  The soy chocolate cream is so delicious.  The key with this is using some of the bread with the soup or to clean the salad dressing so the beans to bread ratio is nicer and you can get a really good chocolately bite.  Superb lunch today!  Both delicious with a nice variety of flavors and textures and visually beautiful too!  Perfect sendoff into golden week.