


はちみつパン 牛乳 スペイン風オムレツ

白菜とツナのサラダ カレーうどん お米のババロア



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Today’s lunch has a lot of items! It feels like a lot to eat and I am hungry! The hakusai and tuna salad is amazing and it has been a while since I’ve eaten it. Great as always and filled with vegetables and yummy flavor. The ‘Spanish style’ omelet is always a mystery to me. It tastes fine, like a small slice of quiche without any crust and has potato in it. I don’t know what is Spanish about it though, but it is still delicious. Last time I recall it had onions and this time potatoes. The curry udon has the classic kyushoku curry flavor and the spongy and yummy udon instead of rice. I actually dip some of the honey bread into the curry for a salty and sweet mix of flavors and it is pretty good. I like to save the bread for the dessert though since they are a nice pair and it’s almost like a Danish. The ‘bababloa’ was actually a surprise to me and tasted like a creamsicle. A creamsicle is a type of ice cream with fruity orange ice on the outside and creamy milky ice on the inside. It reminded me of the states. Today’s lunch was excellent and I loved it. Top 10! Gochisousamadeshita!