


ミルクパン とちおとめジャム 牛乳

ハンバーグきのこソース ほうれん草ソテー 野菜スープ



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Today is a great lunch!  Hamburg steak and spinach sautee with veggies soup on the side.  The spinache was excellent and had a touch of butter which really made it extra yummy.  I used some of my bread to make a sandwich with the hamburg and it was amazing.  The gravy with mushrooms was really good.  Todays soup had a light flavor from all the vegetables and was good.  I liked all the cabbage,  Last I used some of my bread to eat a little jam sandwich and it was a quite lovely finish to the meal.  I was quite full and happy today and I needed it!  Thank you!




ごはん 牛乳 青ヒラスの照り焼き

五目ひじき キムチ入りとん汁



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Today’s lunch is a mix of fish, hijiki, and kimchi soup.  I don’t really like today’s fish very much so I usually try to eat it quickly.  It has a kind of fatty oily taste to me.  Today’s real VIP is the kimchi soup.  Hot and delicious and filled with plenty of vegetables and kimchi flavor.  Nice lunch today!



ごはん 牛乳 ポークシューマイ

ハムとニラの和え物 八宝菜



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Back for another week of yummy lunches. This week kicks off with the delicious happosai. Today’s salad was great and had a nice dressing which went well with the ham. It was juicy too. The happosai has a very strong mix of flavors and the squid always stands out to me, but it is filled with many yummy veggies and meats. It’s great with rice too. The shumai were yummy as well and had a nice meaty and oniony flavor. A lovely lunch today and one that filled me up quite nicely.




ミルクパン 牛乳 メンチカツ

ツナサラダ ポトフ いちご



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Friday! Yay!  Today we have a manchi katsu, potof, tuna salad, and a pair of strawberries!  The tuna salad was excellent as always with a nice crunchy bite and a delicious bright dressing mixed with the yummy tuna.  I made a menchi katsu sandwich and it was amazing.  The katsu today was super duper crunchy and the insides were hot, meaty, and had a nice onion flavor.  The potof was tasty and had a nice light flavor which complimented the bread and katsu.  Today’s strawberries were super sweet and delicious.  Some of the best I have had in a while!  And in school lunch too!  Yummy!




ごはん 牛乳 いわしのしょうが煮

白菜のおひたし 里いもと大根のそぼろ煮 福豆



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Today is Setsubun, or ‘Throwing Beans Day’. A traditional change in the season from the winter months headed into spring where we throw beans and banish demons from our homes and lives!  Today’s salad was packed with flavor from the bonito and it was smokey and juicy.  A kind of odd combination, but delicious.  The daikon stew was pretty good!  The earthy and slightly bitter daikon flavor was calmed down by the flavors and other veggies and was quite delicious.  Today’s real MVP was the fish though.  It was perfectly cooked and super flavorful.  The ginger flavor was excellent and went perfectly with rice.  This is one of the best fish we get in school lunch and it was great today.  Last, as a final snack, the lucky bean assortment.  It is a little snack pack with kakipeas, lucky beans, and crunchy little fish and such with a little bit of a sweet coating.  It was alright.  A nice conclusion to the meal.  Out with the demons and in with the luck!