

ミルクパン とちおとめジャム 牛乳

ハンバーグきのこソース ほうれん草ソテー 野菜スープ



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Today is a great lunch!  Hamburg steak and spinach sautee with veggies soup on the side.  The spinache was excellent and had a touch of butter which really made it extra yummy.  I used some of my bread to make a sandwich with the hamburg and it was amazing.  The gravy with mushrooms was really good.  Todays soup had a light flavor from all the vegetables and was good.  I liked all the cabbage,  Last I used some of my bread to eat a little jam sandwich and it was a quite lovely finish to the meal.  I was quite full and happy today and I needed it!  Thank you!