


コッペパン マーシャルビーンズ 牛乳

スパゲッティミートソース ハムと大根のサラダ




~Lunch Report By ALT~

Nice! Pasta and bread with MARSHALL BEANS! I love marshall beans. It is a soy-based chocolate which tastes a little like peanut butter too. The ham and daikon salad is one of my favorites because of the nice juicy and crunchy texture as well as the lemony tangy dressing. It’s a great starter. Today’s pasta was very good and the tomato sauce was very delicious. I liked the meat and the mushrooms as well that gave it a nice texture. Finally I enjoyed the bread with marshall beans spread. I always use a little of the bread to clean the salad dressing and the pasta sauce from the bowl so that the marshall beans to bread ratio is better. A fantastic meal today and one of my favorite kyushoku combinations. Certainly a top 15 meal! Gochisousamadeshita!




ごはん 牛乳 あゆの甘露煮

五目きんぴら どさんこ汁



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Today is another special Tochigi menu day. Today’s special menu features fish, konpira salad, and soup. The kinpira was sweet and had lots of gobo and aburaage which gave it a nice earthy flavor. The ayu was quite delicious and sweet, but had a little bitterness as well. It was a nice balance of flavors and I was able to eat it completely from head to tailfin! The soup as well was very well balanced and the sweet flavor of the corn mixed with the saltiness perfectly. It was a delicious lunch today!



きなこあげパン 牛乳 カリコリサラダ




~Lunch Report By ALT~

Today is another very good lunch day! It has been a great week so far for lunches! Today is hakusai stew, cube salad, and agepan. The salad is called ‘Karikori Salad’ which means ‘Crispy crunchy salad’, but I call it cube salad because everything is shaped like a square or a cube. It is delicious and although the dressing is light, it pairs very well with the natural juiciness of the vegetables and the flavor of the ham slices. I love this salad. And of course it was very crunchy. The stew was very good and the flavor of the hakusai was quite strong among the creaminess of the soup itself. Agepan. I think it is a mystery. Everyone likes agepan and I think it is good, but it is difficult for me to eat without making a mess because it is so big! Today’s agepan has kinako powder on it and it was sweet and nice. What a wonderful lunch. I love every stew that comes with school lunch.




県産和牛の牛丼 牛乳 沢煮椀 りんごゼリー



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Today is another special Tochigi menu day.  Today’s menu is a power up Tochigi beef menu and it is absolutely decadent looking.  The soup was good and the crunchy texture of the ingredients cut into sticks was good.  The main menu of the day is the wagyu Tochigi Beef.  Wagyu in school lunch is unthinkable so this is a special treat!  So many special menus filled with delicious and rare ingredients in November and December.  We are very lucky.  The beef, onion, noodle, and carrot mix was transcendent.  The best beef I have ever eaten in school lunch and was perfectly seasoned as well.  The taste of the beef was like eating a large steak and the light sweetness and aftertaste of being cooked was perfect.  The whole thing was an umami festival in my mouth as well.  Wow what a great lunch.  This wagyu was no joke and this is easily the best kyushoku of the year.  Maybe one or two of the other special menus could come close, but the simplicity of a beef bowl with such high quality ingredients cannot be challenged and I will defend it against any other lunch this year so far. And after eating such a treasure as that, we also get a dessert as well.  The apple jelly was great and a nice cap to the meal.  Beautiful. Gochisousama Deshita to the best kyushoku of the year.



ごはん 牛乳 ねぎまんじゅう

切り干し大根のナムル マーボー豆腐



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Today is a wonderful day!  It is mabo dofu day!  The namul was excellent and flavorful  I loved the crunch of the daikon strips and the tangy sesame goodness of the dressing.  Today’s mabo dofu was good and nice and hot.  I got a lot of tofu in mine today.  The dumplings might be the best part of today’s meal I think.  I like to put them into the mabo dofu to warm them up and add their flavor to it as well.  Great lunch today!