


ごはん 牛乳 あじフライ

根菜サラダ 五目みそ汁



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Ajifry!  I love the fried fish in school lunch and today we get some nice miso soup and the absolutely delicious konsai salad.  This salad is a creamy crunchfest!  So good and satisfying to eat and the flavors are perfect.  In particular the lotus root and gobo are my favorite.  The gomoku miso soup was also great today as well. I really liked the big slices of tofu which had a nice crust on them.  They were excellent.  Finally, the perfectly fried and crispy ajifry was delicious and also juicy on the inside.  The sauce was nice and my rice disappeared quickly.  Today was a really nice lunch and very satisfying from the beginning to the very end.  Thank you!