ミルクパン りんごジャム 牛乳
照り焼きチキン ポパイソテー ポークビーンズ
~Lunch Report By ALT~
Popeye sautee and teriyaki chicken with pork and beans too. A nice menu. The popeye salad, named after the popular character is loaded with boiled spinach with some bits of corn and meat as well. It is quite nice and has a lightly smokey flavor. Maybe it was because the chicken and salad got a little mixed up? I like to use the bread to make a chicken sandwich and some for my apple jelly so I split it in half. The teriyaki chicken sandwich was amazing and the flavors on the chicken were very good. It pairs perfectly with the bread and makes a really nice sandwich. I also like to use some of my bread to dip into the pork and beans. The soup was nice as well and had a tomato base. I like the texture of the beans very much as well. I used the apple jelly to make a jelly sandwich and it was absolutely delicious and perfect with milk. The apple flavor is light, but very enjoyable and sweet to conclude the meal. Thank you!