



ごはん 牛乳 ハッシュドビーフ

じゃこサラダ ぽんかん



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Day 4 of school lunch week brings fancy hashed beef on the menu!  The shako salad was pretty good and I enjoyed the aburaage strips and dressing especially.  The hashed beef was a delicious stew with great flavors from the meat.  The stew itself got tons of flavor from the tomato base and many vegetables inside of it as well.  It was hot and delicious and perfect with rice.  Very hearty and filling and supports my theory that all school stews are delicious.  Finally we also got a ‘ponkan’ which in English is a ‘ponkan orange’ or tangerine.  Basically a slightly different mikan.  They were served very cold and were delicious and sweet after the stew.  Great lunch and certainly a top 10 for sure!  School lunch week is unbeatable! Gochisousamadeshita!