ごはん 牛乳 ねぎまんじゅう
じゃこサラダ マーボー豆腐
~Lunch Report By ALT~
Today is Mabo Dofu day. It is a wonderful day indeed! The ‘Jako Salad’ was a nice and easy start to the meal and I saw that there were little fish inside of it. I think they are the ‘Jako’ part. I liked the fried tofu bits and they reminded me of croutons. The steamed onion dumplings were superb. I could eat 20 of them easily haha. Today’s mabo dofu was hot and fresh and tasted great. I think the dumplings had the best flavor of the day, but mabo dofu is always one of the best kyushoku meals of all time. An excellent lunch and of course a top 10. Gochisousamadeshita!