


いか天丼 牛乳 もみづけ けんちん汁

~Lunch Report By ALT~
Today's squid tempura was very good! I love the sweet soy sauce we get with it. The sesame in the salad was very delicious, yet subtle. Lovely lunch today!



ごはん 牛乳 冷ややっこ
いそ香り和え ピリ辛肉じゃが

~Lunch Report By ALT~
Today's lunch was great! A nice salad with greens and bean sprouts with a nice sesame flavor. I love Nikujaga. The sweetness and delicious vegetables make it great. Today was no exception. I also enjoyed the tofu. I like tofu a lot.



夏野菜カレーライス 牛乳 海そうサラダ

~Lunch Report by ALT~
I love the special varieties of curry each season. Today was 'summer vegetable' curry. There was zucchini in todays curry and it was very good. The salad was nice too and had a tart flavor. I think it was ume, pickled plum. Avery good lunch!


ごはん 牛乳 ぶた肉のしょうがいため

~Lunch Report by ALT~
Today's lunch was a delicious stir fry which had strong garlic and ginger flavor. I enjoyed it a lot. The soup was nice. I haven't seen naruto in soup reccently and it was good. A nice lunch today.


バターロール とちおとめジャム 牛乳
ハムと大根のサラダ ポークビーンズ ヨーグルト

~Lunch Report by ALT~
Today's lunch was soup, salad, bread, and yogurt. The minestrone was very flavorful and tasted better than usual. Maybe I was lucky?
The daikon, cucumber, and ham salad was great, It's such a simple combo, but the dressing is super good.
Bread with sweet and fragrant Tochi Otome strawberry jam is delicious and the yogurt was good as always. Wonderful lunch.


ごはん 牛乳 春巻 きゅうりの香り和え

~Lunch Report by ALT~
Mabo dofu is delicious. I usually like mine very spicy but it's still good. The salad had a nice sesame flavor too. The spring roll was good, but had a sour flavor I didn't recognize. Still very delicious. (That flavor was miso!)


ごはん 牛乳 さんまのかぼす煮
ゴーヤチャンプルー みそ汁

~Lunch Report by ALT~
Today's lunch was very good. We had a steamed fish in a really sweet and savory sauce that was great with rice. Today's main dish was Goya champloo. It is famous in Okinawa and Goya is very bitter. Today's champloo was excellent and the flavor of the vegetables, meat, and egg were able to off set the goya's bitterness which made the flavor stand out very well. There was also a soup with a gentle flavor which was a nice break from the strong flavors of the other two dishes.


ハヤシライス 牛乳 大根とツナのサラダ

~Lunch Report by ALT~
Today is the first day back at school after the short summer break. I am happy to eat Kyusyoku again. Hayashi rice is a delicious stew which is like a demi-glace sauce with hints of tomato. The vegetables are very good and I like it a lot. Also the tuna salad was great as well. Normally you don't see daikon radish in this salad but it was pretty good.


ホットドッグ 牛乳 チャンポンメン

~給食の感想 By ALT~
Today is the final lunch of the first school semester. The sea food ramen was pretty good. I like the size and shape of these noodles and the broth was good. Today we also got 'self-hot dog' with ketchup. The flavor of the sausage is nice. And for dessert, delicious acerola jelly. Did you know  acerola in English is 'Barbados Cherry'?