


ポークカレーライス 牛乳




~Lunch Report By ALT~

Classic Kyushoku menu today. Pork curry and seaweed salad. The salad was good and had a slippery and slimy texture with crunch from the cucumber and spots of sweetness from the corn. The pork curry was quite good.



ごはん 牛乳 あじフライ(ソース)

五目ひじき いなむどぅち



~Lunch Report By ALT~

I like the school lunch hijiki a lot. It is juicy and has a variety of textures and ingredients. The soup was interesting. It's like a miso soup, but with a slightly smoky flavor. It was really good! The fried fish was perfect. I got one which was soft and flakey but had a great crunch too.



ごはん 牛乳 納豆

もみづけ 肉じゃが



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Again  I must face my nemesis, natto. I eat it quickly, eat white rice, and drink some milk. I overcome the challange with no problems. The salad was nice, crunchy, and fresh. Today's nikujaga sas amazing. The sweet and savory sauce with all the vegetables and meat is one of my favorite foods.



ごはん 牛乳 ホイコーロー

ワンタンスープ オレンジ



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Hoikoro. One of my favorite lunch items. Today it was as good as ever. Hoikoro and white rice are a match made in heaven. The wonton soup was good too.  A nice light flavor and the noodle wrappers on the wontons are great. And the surprise today was the orange wedge! What a sweet finish to the meal.



食パン マーシャルビーンズ 牛乳

スパゲッティミートソース カリコリサラダ



~Lunch Report BY ALT~

MARSHAL BEANS!! I love this stuff. It's soy chocolate but really good. The cube salad was awesome with lots of crunchy texture and some ham too. The dressing was also very yummy. I was particularly thankful for the black pepper. The spaghetti was excellent today also good amount of meat and good vegetable balance as well.



ごはん 牛乳 いわしのしょうが煮
切り干し大根の煮つけ かみなり汁

~Lunch Report By ALT~
Today is a very Japanese lunch. There was a hot salad of stewed dikon strips and fried tofu which was quite good and a little sweet too. Also we got 'Thunder soup'. It's acutually quite good. It is a salty soup with lots of egg and onion in it. I put my seaweed flakes into the soup it added a very nice dimension of flavor to it. Better than I remembered. Finally, today's fish was superb. The ginger flavor very strong and added a spicy and sweet note to the meal. My rice disappered quickly! I did't except today's lunch to be so good!



コッペパン 牛乳 メンチカツ
ビーンズサラダ サマーシチュー

~Lunch Report By ALT~
Today's 'Beans salad' was great. Such a wonderful variety of vegetables and textures. It was hearty and delicious. The 'summer stew' was like a minestrone soup. It was nice and the tomato flavor was good. There was a lot of cabbage and other vegetables too. The katsu was excellent and very meaty and had a great onion flavor. Very crunchy too. Overall a wonderful lunch today.



ごはん 牛乳 えびシューマイ
チンジャオロースー 中華スープ

~Lunch Report By ALT~
Today's lunch is 'Chingao rosu', it means green pepper meat stir fry. We would call it bell pepper pork (or pork) in English. It was super good and the flavor of the bell pepper is very prominent. The soup was a nice change of pace from the miso we often get. It had a very light flavor and vegetables and tofu. I really enjoyed the shumai as well and the shrimp filling was very good and very shrimpy! Fantastic lunch. Top 5!



タコライス 牛乳 ボイルキャベツ 冬瓜のスープ

~Lunch Report By ALT~
Today's lunch is taco rice with soup. The soup was new to me. A nice broth with a light salty and onion flavor and big chunks of togan which burst with the soup's  flavor when you bite then. The meat sauce was quite nice as well. A sweeter tomato based sauce but with some nice spice action giving it the kick it needs. Great lunch today!



ホットドッグ 牛乳 みそラーメン アセロラゼリー

~Lunch Report By ALT~
Today's lunch was wonderful. The 'self hot dog' was really good. The wiener had a smoky flavor to it which seemed different than usual. Also, the miso ramen was scrumptious. The broth was nice and rich and I particularly enjoy the bursts of sweetness from the corn. Acerora jelly is always a delicious dessert. Top 20 lunch!