


ごはん 牛乳 えびシューマイ

切干大根のナムル マーボー豆腐



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Today is a Chinese style menu.  Mabo Dofu, Shrimp Shumai, and namul salad.  The namul is excellent, crunchy, and packed with flavor and lots of vegetables.  I love the sesame flavor mixed with the nice fresh flavors of the vegetables and ham.  Today’s namul feels like it had extra ingredients in it.  The mabo dofu today was very good and I think it was a tiny bit more spicy than usual.  The sauce looked a little more red than last time.  It was excellent as always.  The shumai were full of shrimp flavor and quite good, but mine were cold.  Next time I will put my shumai into my mabo dofu to warm them up!  Today’s best menu items for me was the mabo dofu and the namul.  Wonderful meal.