


はちみつパン 牛乳 スパゲッティミートソース

ビーンズサラダ みかんゼリー



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Spaghetti and bean salad today with a nice mikan jelly and honey bread.  A nice menu that looks great.  The bean salad is amazing and so colorful and delicious.  It is crunchy and has lots of nice textures as well and with the dressing it has a nice unified flavor in addition to all the varied tastes from reach bean and the broccoli.  Today’s meat pasta is amazing and today’s is some of the best I have had from school lunch in a while.  The flavors are there and there is a bit more complexity besides a simple tomato and meat sauce.  The peas add a nice little extra bit of texture and I think there must be some kind of cheese or other flavor in there which takes it above and beyond.  Absolutely wonderful today.