



ごはん 牛乳 あゆのかんろ煮

県産ごぼうのきんぴら 五目みそ汁 県民の日デザート



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Today is Tochigi Citizens day.  The kinpira made from ingredients from Tochigi was delicious and sweet.  I love the gobo.  The fish today is Ayukonroni.  It was very sweet and delicious and quite good!  It even still had its head and face intact which I am learning to enjoy more and more.  I like the crunchy goodness even though it is a bit bitter.  The miso soup was as good as always.  The citizens day dessert was amazing.  Delicious strawberries and fresh sweet whipped cream.  Super duper delicious and I would eat like 5 of these if I had the chance!  Fantastic lunch today!





三色丼 牛乳 けんちん汁



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Sanshokudon!  Love this!  The chicken and egg has delicious ginger flavor and is very delicious.  The sesame spinach is also very flavorful and a little sweet too!  Such a great sanshokudon!  The kenchin soup was pretty good and had an earthy flavor.  The satoimo has a unique texture.  Short review today, but a very nice lunch!  Thank you!




ホットドッグ 牛乳 チャンポンメン



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Today is chanponmen and a hot dog.  The chanponmen is absolutely delicious and the thick noodles have a great juicy texture as well.  The meats, squid, and shrimp in it are also very enjoyable.  Kyushoku chanponmen is a real treat, but I don’t like the sound it makes when people eat it at all.  The hot dog was also pretty good today!  I always find the pair of a bowl of noodles and a hot dog to be an interesting one, but it is yummy so I don’t ask questions haha.  Thanks as always for a nice lunch!




ごはん 牛乳 五目あつ焼き卵

大阪づけ すき焼き煮



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Sukiyaki!  Today’s salad was daikonzuke and it was a very simple salad.  It tasted a little bitter to me today, but was ok.  Contrasting that, today’s tamagoyaki was extra thick and filled with flavor and lots of sneaky little ingredients as well.  At a glance I think I can see carrots, onions, and maybe even mushrooms as well.  It was super delicious.  Also I used some of the nori to wrap the rice and it was quite good.  Today’s nori was flavored and a nice little addition to the meal and especially yummy with the tamagoyaki.  The sukiyaki today was hearty and delicious and had a little touch of sweetness as well.  I enjoyed it very much!





チキンカレーライス 牛乳 カリコリサラダ




~Lunch Report By ALT~

Chicken curry and crunchy cube salad!  The salad is amazing and has a wonderful dressing and the cube shaped veggies and meats and cheese are fun to eat.  Great crunch and the cheese cubes are so good in the salad too.  Today’s curry is quite good with a nice spice level and the chunks of chicken are nice!  Can’t beat a good curry and today is one of those days.  Lastly, the zenobi jelly.  It was sweet and pretty good.  It tasted like sports drink or Calpis water.  Classic and delicious lunch today.