


ごはん 牛乳 いわしのおかか煮

五目きんぴら さつま汁



~Lunch Report By ALT~

Japanese style food has been popping up a lot recently!  Today is fish in bonito sauce and kinpira with sweet potato soup as well.  Quite the meal today.  The kinpira is sweet and earthy with good flavors from the sauce as well as the gobo.  It also has a nice sweetness which is enjoyable.  Kinpira is really good in school lunch.  The sweet potato soup was similar to the miso soup or tonjiru we get often, but has sweet potatoes in it.  The sweetness and bright color of the satsumaimo give it a nice extra layer of flavor and color.  Today’s fish is pretty good and the sauce is really nice.  I love bonito and the smoky goodness of the sauce adds a lot to the fish.  Delicious meal today!