タコライス 牛乳 ボイルキャベツ
もずくスープ シークワーサーゼリー
フィッシュバーガー 牛乳 マカロニのクリーム煮
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What a menu today. Fried fish burger and the tremendously good macaroni cream stew. The first thing I do on ‘burger’ days like this is to make my sandwich. The bread and fish are not really compatible size-wise so I find the best technique is to cut the fish with my spoon diagonally and then you can spread it nicely along the bun. After covering it with sauce I am ready. The sandwich is delicious and although it is a little too much bread for the amount of fish, it is delicious. The fish’s crust is crunchy and the inside is juicy with a light flavor. The macaroni cream stew is amazing. Today the flavor was quite nice and the bits of meat in it were delicious as well.
ハヤシライス 牛乳 こんにゃくサラダ オレンジ
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Today is hayashi rice! The seaweed salad was ok today. Mostly slimy and slippery, but the corn and cucumber make it more appealing to me. Today’s dressing had a very light flavor. The hayashi rice on the other hand had a lot of great flavor and delicious ingredients that make it a very hearty and enjoyable. The onions were sweet and delicious and the little pops from the green peas add a nice surprise contrasting the sauce. The nice citrusy orange slice at the end work great to clean my mouth up and refresh me for the rest of the afternoon. Quite a nice lunch today.
黒とうパン 牛乳 チキンのチーズ焼き
ハムと大根のサラダ ミネストローネスープ
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Chicken Cheese Sandwiches and Minestrone soup! The Daikon, cucumber, and ham salad is wonderfully balanced with great flavors and textures. It is creamy and crunchy with a nice sweet vinegarette that is perfect with the hams flavor. The minestrone today was actually very flavorful. Sometimes it can be watery, but today it was delicious and the beans and shells in particular were my favorite. Today’s main event however is the chicken and cheese sandwich on the kokutopan. It was stupendous. The sweetness of the bread and the savory flavor of the cheesy chicken make an interesting combo and it is very easy to eat and super yummy. The chicken was good and fairly juicy too. One of the best lunches of all time.
ごはん 牛乳 にらまんじゅう
中華くらげ和え 八宝菜
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Today’s menu is kind of Chinese style. The salad was very crunchy and had a nice sour dressing which was unique and enjoyable. There was sesame and a little bit of sweetness too. The happosai is such an interesting dish with so many varied ingredients. I often find that the squid or shrimp or some other seafood overpowers the other flavors though. I do love the quail eggs though and it is a very good soup. Today’s secret VIP in my heart, though, is the niramanju. So flavorful and tasty, the manju is very satisfying and delicious. I like to bury it inside my happosai to warm it up and thanks to the wrapper it still retains its strong flavor without mixing with the soup. A nice lunch today!
ごはん 牛乳 いわしのごまみそ煮
五目ひじき どさんこ汁
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Today is a Japanese style menu with some fish, dosanko soup, and hijiki. Today’s hijiki was juicy and warm and quite good. I liked the little meaty bits and the noodles in it as well. It has a nice sweet and earthy flavor. I always move my fish on to my rice and there is usually sauce left behind. I ate the remaining hijiki juice and miso sauce with some rice before enjoying my soup. The miso sauce is sweet and delicious. The dosanko soup is phenomenal and the flavors are always great. It is a buttery and savory soup with all the good vegetables that I love. Hokkaido knows what they are doing! Today’s fish, iwashi, is a little bitter but the miso and sesame sauce is perfect and pairs with it making the bitter taste less intense. I love the miso sauce and today’s fish is soft and well cooked too. Great meal today! Love that dosanko so much!
県産小麦の食パン ブルーベリージャム 牛乳
焼きそば 大根とツナのサラダ 県産生乳ヨーグルト
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Today is yaki soba and salad day with bread and jam. The salad was delicious and bright and had great flavors. Today it tasted like there was a special ingredient like ginger or something in it. Today’s yaki soba felt extra juicy and there was a lot of yummy sauce. I like to use some of the crust from the bread to soak up the salad dressing and yaki soba sauce on the plate. The bread and jam was great to finish the meal with the yogurt as well. A nice classic school lunch today! Thank you!
ごはん 牛乳 県産大豆納豆
じゃこサラダ ピリから肉じゃが
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Dreaded Natto day. I quickly dispatched it and followed it up with plenty of rice and some jako salad. The Jako salad is quite unique and delicious. Its dressing is very acidic and its strong flavor is refreshing and cuts through the sticky and slimy natto coating in my mouth which rice cannot wash away. But then finally the nikujaga. Today’s nikujaga is labeled as ‘pirikara’ meaning it is slightly spicy. I am thankful for the sweetness and delicious flavors which boiled into the meat and potatoes and noodles. The sweet and juicy onions and soft carrots are a dream to enjoy all filled with flavor. And all the while time to time I get a nice little crunchy surprise from the gobo chunks and beans. A true thrill for my mouth and really the saving grace of today’s menu. Thank you nikujaga.
米粉パン とちおとめジャム 牛乳 県産ぶた肉コロッケ
かんぴょうサラダ にら入り春雨スープ
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Today is korokke! The kanpyo salad is delicious and the flavor of the ham and the creamy dressing is quite nice. The corn especially goes well with the dressing. The spring noodle soup is amazing and tastes very nice. The flavor is fairly well developed and has some nice umami to it. Today’s korokke is quite crunchy and warm. I found the flavor quite light and it was fried very nicely. The rice bread is delicious and the texture fantastic. Komekopan is so unique and delicious. There is no denying how delicious and tasty the jam is and with the rice bread it is only better. It honestly feels like kenmin day part two because of the tochiotome jam and locally sourced pork korokke as well. Quite a delicious meal today.
ごはん 牛乳 あゆのかんろ煮
県産ごぼうのきんぴら 五目みそ汁 県民の日デザート
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Today is Tochigi Citizens day. The kinpira made from ingredients from Tochigi was delicious and sweet. I love the gobo. The fish today is Ayukonroni. It was very sweet and delicious and quite good! It even still had its head and face intact which I am learning to enjoy more and more. I like the crunchy goodness even though it is a bit bitter. The miso soup was as good as always. The citizens day dessert was amazing. Delicious strawberries and fresh sweet whipped cream. Super duper delicious and I would eat like 5 of these if I had the chance! Fantastic lunch today!